“I truly felt like I was dying”

The spark of a passion

I was 26 years old and in the best shape of my life. I was playing rugby in Atlanta, Ga for the best team in the country. We had just won our second national championship in a row. Out of nowhere I started losing weight… and fast. I lost 50 pounds in 5 months.

But, I LOOKED healthy

I had no idea where to start. I had been an athlete my whole life and was competing at the top of my sport. I was fast, well built, always went to the gym, but was wasting away. For the first few month I just acted like nothing was really happening. I figured it would just go away and I would be fine. That the problem would just work it self out. It never did. My breaking point was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. I lost my bowels in a movie theater trying to make it to the end of a scene. Well, I missed the rest of the movie crying to myself in the bathroom.

What now?

So i finally knew that I couldn’t just wait it out.I started with a trip to a walk-in clinic and this all quickly escalated to me getting a colonoscopy from a gastroenterologist. This is when i was first diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. A severe form of IBS. On top of that I was only given two options for treatment.

1. Pills that would supress my immune response but would likely give me cancer down the road.

2. SURGERY, where they would cut out my large intenstine and give me a colostomy bag. UM… no thanks.

Then i found the third option.


A nutrition professor that was also a chiropractor took note of my change in appearance and general loss of energy. He approached me after class one day and told me to meet him at his practice after classes to discuss what I was going through. I thought to myself… “There is nothing you can help with…” but i was desperate. Sure as I breathe today, within 6 months my symptoms reduced by 70%. By removing the pressure across my nervous system my digestion slowly returned to normal. It was the most incredible experience of my life. I cried the first time I slept through the night again.

The power this carries, the difference it can make, is something I believe inside and out. And I want to share it with you.